Weighing the Odds: The Largest Invasive Animal
Image by Creative Commons. (edited)
No, I'm not talking about our feline friends, or even the cane toad. No, I'm not talking about fish or birds. I've had friends comment their answers to Facebook and I waited to see what everyone would say. Well, I've got some news for you, you guys were right if I was talking about the most invasive. I am in fact addressing the largest modern-day invasive animals that are terrestrial in relation to their size. It looks like it comes down to only three options. Correct me if I'm mistaken.
These two are our largest snakes on the Planet. Reticulated pythons AND Burmese pythons are invasive to Florida right here in the USA. It is legal to hunt these animals. Please follow local restrictions when approaching these animals. Do NOT attempt to catch one.
Reticulated pythons and Burmese pythons have plenty of differences, while still sizing each other up. Both are endemic to Southeast Asia. What brought them here was a result of careless importation. They are sought after in the pet trade.
Let's talk size.
The offspring of hippos once owned by Colombian drug kingpin Pablo Escobar can be recognized as people or “interested persons” with legal rights in the U.S. following a federal court order. The case involves a lawsuit against the Colombian government over whether to kill or sterilize the hippos whose numbers are growing at a fast pace and pose a threat to biodiversity. An animal rights groups is hailing the order as a milestone victory in the long-sought efforts to sway the U.S. justice system to grant animals personhood status. But the order won’t carry any weight in Colombia where the hippos live, a legal expert said. Source: NBC News
Given the fact that two types of hippo are considered to be endangered or vulnerable, this could be a win or a lose. I’m literally making my popcorn right now. Can we adapt?
Hippos are in fact listed as 'VULNERABLE' on the IUCN's list.
Thanks for reading!
Disclosure: Images made using stock or creative commons files.
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